Some brief considerations about

Sunday, March 13, 2016

ROB FREEMAN -- 20 10:2015 -- budgetmoon + TCHIK TCHEN Youtube channels

Special thanks to Budgetmoon for spending the afternoon Sunday with MarkKelly & I, watching the skies around NYC, specifically over the East River.

And to Franny for putting us in touch with Budgetmoon. 

We saw about 8 different things including this shiny silvery one. Watch the "fake" way it tumbles & turns. Note the orb flyby starting around 0:54 secs. Was difficult to motion track here as the software has to lock on to a specific colour or shade & due to it's reflectivity, it kept changing sec by sec. Have done my best to keep it in the centre of the screen with Adobe After Effects. Kelly actually filmed this one while I was filming another.

UFEs (Unidentified Floating Entities) Special thanks to Budgetmoon for…
Rob Freeman During the afternoon, we had one after the other, including 3 over a 5 minute period.
Jeremy Thomas Budgetmoon is a great observer and very brave, I had learned a lot from him. Great that you meet him.
Jeremy Thomas This one have a "floating" tether.
Franny Hudson Glad it all worked out! Budgetmoon has been doing observations for years a true inspiration for any skywatcher!
Mark McNabb Many thanks again Francis, for connecting us to Budgetmoon. He truly is a great observer, very insightful too!
Franny Hudson Am just happy to help Mark McNabb , am really looking forward to hearing more about his views, about the phenomenon. should be interesting!
Jeremy Thomas Budgetmoon originally pointed to me the work of Trevor J. Constable and John a. Keel, I learned also from him the reality of five pointed star shaped anomalies that was extremely hard for me to digest until I saw one relatively close in an open field close to the ground in a very windy afternoon:

Here is a compilation of UFOs shaped like five pointed stars from June and…
Jeremy Thomas I had invited him to be part of this group, he will be a great addition to it.
Mark McNabb Thanks for this post Jeremy, Constable's book is a tremendous eye opener. Many of BudgetMoon's insights stem from his understanding of Constable's findings too.
Jeremy Thomas Yes Mark McNabb if there is a pioneer, a Galileo, a Columbus in this field is Trevor J. Constable.
Jeremy Thomas TCHIK TCHEN called, with great insight, anomalies "the watchers", it is very likely that on top of any major city in the world mimics will be found faster than in more secluded areas, simply because they are "watching" us. The experience of some active observers confirm that.
Jeremy Thomas By the way TCHIK TCHEN is also a great observer with amazing captures and he is in Canada.
Rob Freeman Thanks Jeremy ... MarkKelly & I will do our best to meet TCHIK ... thanks for the heads-up!
Lupyllo Ledezma very good quality video. Don't you know what kind of camera he uses, Rob Freeman?
Rob Freeman Lupyllo, for this video above (Kelly shot it), it's the Nikon P900, same as the one I use, that you saw in Hollydale Park.
John Graf Great clean capture. Awesome.

budgetmoon              TCHIK TCHEN

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trevor james constable