Some brief considerations about

Monday, March 28, 2016

Jeremy Thomas 11/11 às 18:40 -- The 'Tree Branch' Anomaly.

"Tree branch" anomaly, 10 minutes ago today:
Franny Hudson Great catch did it tumble like angel hair ?
Jeremy Thomas It moved like a medusa using its "branch filaments", something really marvelous and weird.
Rob Freeman This is really unique Jeremy .. have you had it before, or are things that you are spotting, new & advancing?
Jeremy Thomas Rob Freeman everything is "new", there is a huge world of "entities" that are very dim to spot with naked eye, IR spotting is key. Also I believe that direct signalling is having a role here, I had mentioned before that very frequently when I sent consistent mirror reflections in an area of the sky flocks of very dim anomalies are spotted. The flock around this "tree branch" shaped anomaly was really not ordinary, it was like a cloud by its density.
Jeremy Thomas The "sky critters" mentioned by "the pioneer" Trevor J. Constable.
Rob Freeman Great .. funny, just arrived back in Canada from Costa Rica this moment & I was reading Constable's Cosmic Pulse of Life on the plane .. fascinating stuff.
Rob Freeman Just posting motion tracked / zoomed version of Jeremy's fantastic tree branch video on main page. It's interesting to think this may actually be some kind of a plant / organism that lives & survives in the atmosphere. Or simply a mimic anomaly?

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trevor james constable