Some brief considerations about

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

ROB FREEMAN -- 28:10:2015 -- Studying the Behaviour of Real Balloons

Here's the 3rd in a series of test balloon launches we did on Sunday, withMarkKelly, Kandace & I. We filmed their behaviour, to personally better understand the difference between anomalies & real balloons. In this one (part 3), we've let go a single silver mylar disc balloon. 

UFEs (Unidentified Floating Entities / Anomalies) In order to better understand the difference between…

Jeremy Thomas Again we se a random, chaotic movement, there is no "rithm" in this object movement, compare the movement of this balloon to the "flagellar" movement of some anomalies. We also see a pendular movement in this balloon because the tether tend to sink it down but the balloon's bouyancy tend to raise it and place it in its most stable position that is with its maximal surface facing bouyancy. Great tests.
Rob Freeman Jeremy, it's interesting to now go back over other videos of anomalies & see the subtle differences. This was really the purpose of doing these tests.
Jeremy Thomas Another detail in these tests is how quickly the balloons got out of sight even using relatively high magnification cameras, these balloons never were in sight beyond the tens of minutes, many anomalies had been spotted for more than one hour, tens of minutes are very common.
Rob Freeman It's true, in every case, after 15 minutes, they were gone & out of sight.

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