Some brief considerations about

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Jeremy Thomas 15/2 às 20:36 -- Double decker anomaly.

Double decker anomaly on 2/12/16 11:01am, heart shaped on top plus plasma like on the lower deck.

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Jeremy Thomas Then at 11:04am another cluster with two heart shaped on top and two plasma like on the bottom.
Jeremy Thomas 2/12/16 11:25am, flaring balloon shaped with flaring neck.
Jeremy Thomas For example Arturo Robles Gil Chávez, Ricardo Rangel in Guadalajara had recorded these double decker anomalies before, he is a biologist supporting the idea that anomalies are living entities of some sort:

Fotogramas amplificados de las dos entidades luminosas videogravadas el 24 de Febrero del 2011 en el centro de la ciudad de Guadalajara Jalisco, México. Auto...

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