28 mins
people may think that these posts about the philosophy of Science are
"disconnected" from the more concrete Plasmoid Anomalies observations
that we had been doing for a while now, but that is really not the case.
Part of
the "process" of these observations is the reporting of this new
extraordinary reality to other people with scientific curiosity and that
necessarily lead to interactions with all kind of mindsets, trying to make
sense of the reactions that we had found had lead us to wider our knowledge of
the history of Science and the philosophy of Science.
posts are a direct result of this analysis and the goal is twofold:
- One is to
point out the intrinsic limitations of the pervasive dogmatism and simplistic
debunking pervading scientific practice and academia
- Second use these valid
studies as openings to present to academic circles aspects of the reality of
Plasmoid Anomalies in a "language" and approach that they may