Some brief considerations about

Friday, March 31, 2017

Jeremy Thomas March 31 at 6:39pm Experts

Franny Hudson -- Balloon looking anomaly filmed in London inadvertently 11 sept 2016


                                                             Youtube channel   

March 31 at 6:32pm

Balloon looking object/anomaly filmed in London inadvertently 11 sept 2016

The person who emailed me from London has this short segment slowed down! Its not much to go off but the description sounds like anomalies too me. They have a few more sightings from that one day I will post here.

Jeremy Thomas -- March 31 at 4:31pm: Letters and digits on 3/27/17

March 31 at 4:31pm

Letters and digits on 3/27/17.
No automatic alt text available.

Franny Hudson -- March 31 at 4:10pm: The aliveness in this anomaly is remarkable


                                                             Youtube channel   

March 31 at 4:10pm
This anomaly I captured last year I wanted to go over it once more! The aliveness in this object is remarkable the penguins look alive more than balloons.The texture is so strange! I wanted to try explain abit more I find it difficult speaking but gaining more confidence as I go on.
 This anomaly I captured last year I wanted to go over it once more! 

Image may contain: sky and night

JT -- March 31 at 3:43pm Letter B anomaly that responded to signals multiple times with very intense flares

March 31 at 3:43pm
Letter B anomaly that responded to signals multiple times with very intense flares: 03/27/17 6:28pm.

Image may contain: sky and cloud
Letter B anomaly that responded to signals multiple times with very intense flares: 03/27/17 6:28pm.

Jeremy Thomas -- March 31 at 2:14pm: The Race for Understanding

March 31 at 2:14pm

The Race for Understanding.

In equality of conditions the people using the best instruments observing an aspect of reality always will gain a better and faster understanding of that field as any given person always will do better by using better instruments.

But usually one factor that many times overshadow the relevance of good instruments is how "perceptive" is the person or group making these observations and "perception" as we know is bounded by preconceptions and beliefs.

The field of Anomalies Studies is a perfect test case showing that people with "high perception level" will win always in any race against people that are bounded by strong preconceptions and beliefs.

Official Science scientists have unlimited resources and "top" of the line scientists but they had defaulted in this field and are a "no show" so any kid using a second hand camcorder will beat them even today in a race for starting to understand the complex world of anomalies.

But Ufologists and their army of UFO/ET believers with their very narrow preconceptions also are a perfect example of the paralyzing effect of preconceptions and narrow beliefs, they still today are dismissing a reality that can be observed by anyone with enough perceptive level.

No instrument can replace a fresh and open mind and the reality of Anomalies had showed that in its naked form.

Jeremy Thomas -- March 31 at 9:30am: What is a great footage?

March 31 at 9:30am

What is a great footage? 

The "evaluation" of a given footage always has subjective elements because depends on the personal perspective and experience of the person giving the evaluation. 

-For people that are looking for the "best shots" great shots are the ones showing crisp clear details, this kind of footage only can be taken with objects that are relatively close, spotted with naked eye. 

But as almost anything else in life there is a trade-off in everything, objects that are far away will always look less crisp in any camera system and they will be almost always beyond naked eye spotting. But these far away objects are a lot more common than the closest ones and they will show new details and transformations that are not seen in the closest ones. 

- For other people, like myself, the best captures are the ones that contain more "information" content and usually single captures no count for that but whole sets of them. 

The never ending goal of making connections and learning is what differentiate a videographer from a researcher. 

As a matter of fact already there could be very sharp and open minded people in this field making connections/discoveries without physically making observations. In the near future observations will be done with automatic equipment and the "specialists" will just analyze the footage taken by machines.
Perhaps that already is happening in some places. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Jeremy Thomas -- March 30 at 10:24pm: Cracking a very Tough Nut.

March 30 at 10:24pm

Cracking a very Tough Nut.

Jeremy Thomas -- March 30 at 8:26pm: The balloons-explain-everything Fallacy

March 30 at 8:26pm

The balloons-explain-everything Fallacy.

People that are intellectually dishonest or superficial had used and still use the argument that all Anomalies are balloons, but obviously not all anomalies are balloon like as the boomerang anomalies that mimic birds, laminar anomalies that also move in flocks, amorphous plasma like ones that also move in flocks sometimes, String anomalies, star like anomalies, ghostly plasma like anomalies, etc.

Is is already a very clear fact for people that are making regular observations of anomalies, an experience lacking always in these debunkers, that anomaly use "adaptive camouflage": they will adopt shapes and behaviors that are seen in the common objects in the sky: in places where balloons are common they will mimic balloons, in places where balloons are not common but plastic bags are they will use more foil, plastic bags mimics, in agricultural areas where big birds are common boomerang shapes that from afar look like birds.

But in all cases if anomalies are observed beyond naked eye spotting distances using infrared detection and very high optical magnification equipment then anomalies will be observed in a more "natural" shape shifting states and also these observations will reveal the transformations from these shape shifting states to more hardened mimic states: the process of anomalies using adaptive camouflage exactly that the same process used by octopus when mimicking a marine environment surrounding.

Jeremy Thomas -- March 30 at 4:39pm: A Second Renaissance

March 30 at 4:39pm

A Second Renaissance.

Jeremy Thomas -- March 30 at 3:22pm: Morphing cluster anomaly yesterday

Jeremy Thomas -- March 30 at 2:40am: Letter H Anomaly, zero tumbling - Part 1

March 30 at 2:40am

Letter H Anomaly, zero tumbling:

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Jeremy Thomas -- March 29 at 9:29pm: Boomerang Anomaly today.

March 29 at 9:29pm

Boomerang Anomaly today:

Boomerang Anomaly marvelous object p1 03/29/17 1:00pm EST.

Franny Hudson -- March 29 at 6:53 pm: footage of some anomalies I recorded using an IR spotter.

                                                  Youtube channel   

 March 29 at 6:53 pm

Here's footage of some anomalies I recorded using an IR spotter.

Jeremy Thomas -- March 29 at 2:10pm: Digit cluster Anomaly Amazing object - Part 2

trevor james constable